Monday, August 30, 2010

Greenwood Cemetery: Battle of Brooklyn

I live just below Greenwood cemetery and decided to take advantage of their yearly re-enactment of the battle of brooklyn. Man, was today hot, though! I walked from the bottom of the cemetery up to the main gate at the very top and stayed for about 30 minutes to photograph and watch the events and then walked back. When I got home I was wasted.

The re-enactors had some awesome outfits and great equipment. They fired muskets and cannons and made speeches detailing the history of that battle and the war. I love the expression on the kid in the photo above. He had one of the most elaborate outfits.

After the main re-enactment (with musket fire and stuff) everyone marched up a battle hill. I really felt for this poor woman. She was wearing period shoes and having to walk very slowly and, it looked, a little painfully up the hill.

I feel like this guy should really be careful where he points his cannon. I don't think those things have safety switches.

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