Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Creepy/Haunted Roadtrip

Chris and I have a grand plan to one day go on an awesome roadtrip. A creepy/haunted roadtrip. I have no idea how far into the future that might actually be but we came up with a fun way to plan it together and get some wall art at the same time. I picked up a few packs of corkboard tiles and stuck them onto the wall. They come with little adhesive stickers that have held really well so far (it's been up about 3 weeks). Then we ordered a Rand McNally map of the US. Top it off with some map pins and we were off and running. We're keeping a little journal on the side table by the map and jotting down where we're sticking pins and why.

We've got a sort of color coded system in the works right now. It seems to mutate a little every now and then so from what I know right now we've got white pins for ghosts and hauntings, green pins for mysterious cities, red pins for monsters, and there's a few other colors that I'm not too sure about the meanings.

This little black pin here marks Centralia, PA, where a coal fire has been burning for 45 years underneath the town. It's mostly deserted now but smoke still rises up from cracks that have opened up in the sidewalks and asphalt.

This green pin marks the Roanoke Colony off of North Carolina. The first English colony in the Americas. All of the settlers vanished leaving only the word "Croatoan" carved into a tree.

There are also pins for The Winchester House in California, The Lady in White spotted around Mukilteo, WA, and the coffin races in Manitou Springs, CO.

If anyone has any suggestions on creepy/haunted/or otherwise dark and mysterious places in the US or Canada that would make a good stop for our trip please pass along the wisdom!

My First Socks (In Progress)

I'm taking a stab at my first pair of socks. Just stockinette with a little bit of ribbing at the top to keep it simple. I'm using the Univeral Toe-Up Sock Formula by Amy Swenson from Knitty. I've got one sock down and about half of the second sock done. The toe-up way seems a little boxy but the formula was great and the completd sock fits Chris perfectly. Especially being my first sock, I really liked that with a toe-up pattern I could force my husband to try the socks on every five minutes to make sure they were progressing right. I hope to finish these up in the next week so that I can try knitting up a pair of ankle socks for myself. I've already got some bright red yarn picked out for them.

Pirate Pal

After about a year of knitting/crochet I've finally made something for my husband. He fell in love with this pirate pal pattern when he first saw it months ago. I've kept it in mind to make for him but it took forever before I actually got started on it. The pattern is from Lion Brand Yarn and he's made of Lion Brand Wool-Ease. It's very quick. I crocheted this for him in just one day. He's adorable and a fun thing to have around the house to hug when you're having a bad day.

Dracula's Blog Pt.2